Tips for Having a Moving Sale Before Your Relocation

If you’re ready to turn over a new leaf in your life and you’re moving, then there is no better way to start fresh by either having a garage/yard sale and or donating your belongings. Moving is already stressful enough; selling and or donating some if not all of your items will help take some of the stress out of the equation. One of the most important reasons to sell items is to make some extra cash. The money can even go to buying new items that you wanted anyway. If you donate, this can go to tax deductions where applicable.

1. Selling vs. Keeping

The first thing is to know what you’re going to sell and what you’re going to keep. This might take some time and go back and forth in decisions depending on if you share the item with someone. Make sure you know the value, whether sentimental or monetary. You don’t want to regret selling or keeping an item.

2. When and Where

Make sure that you have this as an organized event. Have a time and date or dates to be open for people to come and look at the goods. Furthermore, make sure that people can get to your sale. Nothing would be worse than have it all organized and ready to go, then realizing there isn’t parking, it is against a neighborhood code, or you need a permit.

3. Advertise

Getting your stuff out there in an advertisement for people to see is a very important step in the process. This can either be done through signs, newspapers and by word of mouth or the new technological way – the internet. There are numerous apps that can help advertise or even are a way to sell your items without having the garage/yard sale.

4. Prepping

First thing, is to make sure that all the signs are out and it’s obvious that you are having one. Secondly, make sure you have an easy and organized set up. Also, make sure you have some change on you. Furthermore, make sure that you’re ready to haggle, because one thing people love at a garage sale, is to make sure they are getting the best deal possible.

5. The Unsellable

Every item may not be bought at your sale. There are ways to make sure that you can still make a small profit. There is the internet and apps if you haven’t used those options yet. And if you still can’t sell those items, then a donation center may be another way. This can still be profitable since this helps with tax deductions.

Good luck!

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